Big fat cow!

When it comes to creatures of the Chunkus we are your site! With an impressive gallery of Chunkus Munky, and soon to be others we lead head and shoulders above the rest

The big fat cow can be found in many places across the world. Most notable is this fine specimin!

Big Fat cow

As we can see it is so beautiful I just wanna lick the screen

magnificent dairy cow gazes dreamily at the great blue sky

caption- magnificent dairy gazes dreamily at the great blue sky...

Some cows are verticaly fat as well!

Some cows are verticaly fat

Send me an email about your fat cow experience at

Big Fat Munky!

The big fat Munky is a magestical creature not quite so common as the big fat cow

Munky is very chunky

"Munky is very chunky"

Image caption- Uncle Fatty is my idol. In this picture he sits with extreme majesty

Uncle Fatty enjoyed a wide and varied diet

Image caption- Uncle Fatty enjoyed a wide and varied diet

Image caption- This clever Munky has landed their dream job in mcdonalds!

Video Caption- Uncle Fatty made headlines after being sent to fat camp

Uncle Fatty tried to go on a diet

Image caption- Uncle Fatty tried to go on a diet, however it was not to be

We Love Monkey Club president Kavinaphat Mongkoltechachat said monkey specialists had told him they thought Uncle Fatty was dead. He said: ‘They told me that when monkeys know that they’re very weak, they will isolate themselves and won’t let any other monkeys or anyone see them dying. ‘He might have died of old age because Uncle Fatty has already lived beyond the age average. He also looked exhausted and didn’t want to eat much.’

This is propper sad like, he was so so famous as well because of that impressive bulk.

This Munky is having a bite to eat!


The Chunky bird is rare as like but they can be seen!

Chunkus Seagull has stolen too many chips!

Image caption- Chunkus Seagull has stolen too many chips!

Your average Chunky bird

Image caption- Your average Chunky bird

✨Special Mentions✨

Praise Gemma our lord and saviour!

Image Caption-Praise Gemma our lord and saviour!

Of course the man, the myth, the legend Ethan Kromrei.

Chunkus Form

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Lemon Meringue

Lemon Meringue

>Lemon meringue is a classic dessert featuring a tangy lemon curd filling topped with a sweet and airy meringue. Lemon meringues are a delightful dessert that combines the tangy zest of lemons with the sweet, airy texture of meringue. A buttery base is topped with a lemon curd filling, then finished with a swirl of fluffy meringue. The contrast of flavours and textures makes them a truly enjoyable treat.


  • Lemon curd
  • Egg whites
  • Sugar
  • Cream of tartar
  • Pie crust


  1. Prepare the pie crust and bake according to instructions.
  2. Fill the baked pie crust with lemon curd.
  3. Beat egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form.
  4. Spread the meringue over the lemon curd filling.
  5. Broil until the meringue is golden brown.

Enjoy your delicious lemon meringue!

Flappy Bird!

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